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  phonics learning : texts and questions              
coloring numbers in elementary school, addition and subtraction, magic coloring, 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year
The magic coloring is a playful work that helps children learn faster numbers and work independently, numbers add,
store numbers, write numbers in words, compare numbers, ...

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  color some pictures identified by number    http://www.preschoolmath.info/preschool-math-worksheeets/coloring/number-pictures/number-pictures-3.gif 

color some pictures identified by number   color some pictures identified by number

Building on the early learning goals

Pupils' prior experience of mathematics includes:

  • counting and using numbers to at least 10 in familiar contexts
  • recognising numerals 1 to 9
  • talking about and creating simple patterns
  • beginning to understand addition as combining two groups of objects and subtraction as 'taking away'
  • describing the shape and size of solid and flat shapes
  • using everyday words to describe position
  • using early mathematical ideas to solve practical problems.

Using and applying number

1. Pupils should be taught to:

Problem solving

a. approach problems involving number, and data presented in a variety of forms, in order to identify what they need to do
b. develop flexible approaches to problem solving and look for ways to overcome difficulties
c. make decisions about which operations and problem-solving strategies to use
d. organise and check their work


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